Mute and Solo

The track buttons can’t be used to mute individual channels while recording. You would have to do that with the gain knobs or in editing. But you can monitor individual channels, also called “solo.” This lets you hear only that channel (or channels you add) regardless of what else is active on the H6.

Hold down one or more active track buttons to put them in solo-monitoring mode with an amber light. Add other active tracks to the solo monitoring by holding down their track buttons, too, until their light turns amber. This only works if the track was active before you went into solo-monitoring mode. Once a track is solo’d, click the track button again to turn it off. When you turn off the last solo’d track, you exit solo monitoring mode.

Soloing tracks affects only the headphones and line-out. It does not affect the recording. So this is neither a way to mute tracks nor a way to create a mix minus.